Yoga for Healthy Aging

Vibrant.  Happy.  Living life to its fullest.    As I age, these are some of my goals.

Do I wake up with an achey back some mornings?  Yes.  Do I feel the arthritis in my knees after a long hike in the woods?  Unfortunately, yes.  Do I sometimes feel depleted after teaching a full day of yoga and meeting with clients?  Frankly, yes.  But I also usually bounce back fairly quickly.  I feel resilient, pretty flexible, and some days downright strong in my body and in my mind.  (Poo, poo, poo … Fran & Linda.)  What do I attribute this to?   Yoga!

What other discipline helps us age gracefully and well?  Yoga provides an anchor, it helps calm the mind as well as energize the body.   And when we have those aches, pains, long days or “issues in our tissues” that are hard to swallow, yoga therapy can often help us manage our way through physical and mental changes that come with aging.

Where did I learn the “secrets” of Yoga for Healthy Aging?  It all started back in April, 2004 when I took my first workshop with Dr. Baxter Bell.  The workshop was on “Yoga and the Sacroiliac Joint” – a topic that still fascinates me today, and I was immediately hooked on learning from this amazing teacher and modern-day “Renaissance Man.”

Over the years I have taken Baxter’s workshops whenever he came to Triad Yoga Institute, even taking a week workshop with he and Melina Meza at Feathered Pipe in Montana back in 2014.  Who knew that years later, Baxter would develop an amazing blog, workshop and even write a fabulous book on the topic (Yoga for Health Aging by Baxter Bell, MD & Nina Zolotow).

In the Fall of 2020 I did the “Yoga for Healthy Aging Intensive” with Baxter and Melina through Sunrise Yoga Studio, and completed my practicum with them in October 2020.  If you haven’t studied yet with either Baxter or Melina, don’t hesitate – they are the best!

In September 2021 I attended an in-person training on Yoga for Osteoporosis Certification with Dr. Loren Fishman at Art of Living in Boone, NC.  Since 2005, Dr. Fishman (who is a medical doctor as well as a Senior Iyengar teacher who studied for years with BKS Iyengar) has studied the effects of certain yoga poses to help build stronger bones for those with osteoporosis.  I am now certified with Dr. Fishman to teach his methodology of using yoga to help those with osteopenia or osteoporosis.

In October 2021 I studied again with Dr. Loren Fishman, this time focusing on Low Back Pain caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis, tight QLs, tight hamstrings, sacroiliac dysfunction, facet syndrome, piriformis syndrome and spondylolisthesis as well as scoliosis.  I am now certified by Dr. Fishman to teach his approach of using yoga and yoga therapy to help back pain with each of these conditions.   Dr. Fishman is an amazing teacher who has deep wisdom, infectious good energy as well as a unique holistic approach of bridging modern medical science with the art of therapeutic Iyengar yoga.    I highly recommend taking his workshops whenever you can.

Although most of my classes are devoted to topics of healthy aging, Wednesday morning and evening classes are now focused on the teachings of Dr. Baxter Bell and Melina Mesa, Dr. Loren Fishman and others.   The classes focus on agility, flexibility, balance, yoga for your brain, strengthening our muscles and bones, pain relief, immune system health, and even sometimes cardiovascular work.  And they always, always encourage good back care health.  Come join us and learn how yoga for healthy aging can help you connect with your inner light and let it shine.

Yoga for Healthy Aging

Vibrant.  Happy.  Living life to its fullest.    As I age, these are some of my goals.

Do I wake up with an achey back some mornings?  Yes.  Do I feel the arthritis in my knees after a long hike in the woods?  Unfortunately, yes.  Do I sometimes feel depleted after teaching a full day of yoga and meeting with clients?  Frankly, yes.  But I also usually bounce back fairly quickly.  I feel resilient, pretty flexible, and some days downright strong in my body and in my mind.  (Poo, poo, poo … Fran & Linda.)  What do I attribute this to?   Yoga!

What other discipline helps us age gracefully and well?  Yoga provides an anchor, it helps calm the mind as well as energize the body.   And when we have those aches, pains, long days or “issues in our tissues” that are hard to swallow, yoga therapy can often help us manage our way through physical and mental changes that come with aging.

Where did I learn the “secrets” of Yoga for Healthy Aging?  It all started back in April, 2004 when I took my first workshop with Dr. Baxter Bell.  The workshop was on “Yoga and the Sacroiliac Joint” – a topic that still fascinates me today, and I was immediately hooked on learning from this amazing teacher and modern-day “Renaissance Man.”

Over the years I have taken Baxter’s workshops whenever he came to Triad Yoga Institute, even taking a week workshop with he and Melina Meza at Feathered Pipe in Montana back in 2014.  Who knew that years later, Baxter would develop an amazing blog, workshop and even write a fabulous book on the topic (Yoga for Health Aging by Baxter Bell, MD & Nina Zolotow).

In the Fall of 2020 I did the “Yoga for Healthy Aging Intensive” with Baxter and Melina through Sunrise Yoga Studio, and completed my practicum with them in October 2020.  If you haven’t studied yet with either Baxter or Melina, don’t hesitate – they are the best!

In September 2021 I attended an in-person training on Yoga for Osteoporosis Certification with Dr. Loren Fishman at Art of Living in Boone, NC.  Since 2005, Dr. Fishman (who is a medical doctor as well as a Senior Iyengar teacher who studied for years with BKS Iyengar) has studied the effects of certain yoga poses to help build stronger bones for those with osteoporosis.  I am now certified with Dr. Fishman to teach his methodology of using yoga to help those with osteopenia or osteoporosis.

In October 2021 I studied again with Dr. Loren Fishman, this time focusing on Low Back Pain caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis, tight QLs, tight hamstrings, sacroiliac dysfunction, facet syndrome, piriformis syndrome and spondylolisthesis as well as scoliosis.  I am now certified by Dr. Fishman to teach his approach of using yoga and yoga therapy to help back pain with each of these conditions.   Dr. Fishman is an amazing teacher who has deep wisdom, infectious good energy as well as a unique holistic approach of bridging modern medical science with the art of therapeutic Iyengar yoga.    I highly recommend taking his workshops whenever you can.

Although most of my classes are devoted to topics of healthy aging, Wednesday morning and evening classes are now focused on the teachings of Dr. Baxter Bell and Melina Mesa, Dr. Loren Fishman and others.   The classes focus on agility, flexibility, balance, yoga for your brain, strengthening our muscles and bones, pain relief, immune system health, and even sometimes cardiovascular work.  And they always, always encourage good back care health.  Come join us and learn how yoga for healthy aging can help you connect with your inner light and let it shine.